Quiz4Cash.com hope to merge two of main driving forces of the internet - knowledge and money. The site offers a mirriad of quizes that people can take, some entertaining, some educational. As the user navigates through the quiz, they “earn” opportunities to win cash and other prises along the way. The more quizes are taken combined with the total amount of answers produced correctly increases the total amount of cash potentially available to that particular user.
The Quiz4Cash model is to provide a fun and educational way to spend time while creating a dynamic marketing environment that responds to user input. As advertisers look for ways to better target consumers within an increasingly competitive marketplace, creating “profiles” of a consumer based upon user input becomes more and more valuable. By learning a users likes and dislikes over time, an advertising “image” can be created for that individual that can then be implimented in a way that is much more successful in terms of conversions.